Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
“Closed-loop steppe” drive system is the innovative inegration of cosed-loop control technology into the stepper motor by Division according to mark demand and prospects, creating a new A drive for performance. Successfully solved the problems of isocon an os steps of the adoa sting system and further improved the speed and acceleration of the stepping motor can effectively reduce the cost of equipment use. Closed-oop steppingnot only has the same motor installation size as atonal stepping 28/36/42/57/110/130mm, etc., but also Simple and easy to set up, the performance is improved by more than 50% compared with the traditional stepping, and the price is less than half of the A servo. lt is the first choice for medium and low speed servo appications!
P100S Series AC Servo Drive&Motor
The response frequency is up to 1.5KHz, which is especially suitable for applications requiring high-speed response;
Driver menu, control interface, parameter modification and writing operation are consistent with Panasonic A5 series servo driver;
The encoder interface of A-type servo driver is consistent with Panasonic A5 series servo driver, and it can directly operate with Panasonic A5 and A6 servo motors;